
 South India Pilgrimage – Auroville and Tiruvanamalai

FEBRUARY 7-24, 2018

Come to South India with Corrine Andrews, Matthew Andrews and Patty Townsend

This trip is designed to leverage Embodyoga® and Embodied Inquiry™ to create an exploration that’s both inner and outer.  Matthew, Corinne, and Patty will support a rich and vibrant dive within that weaves together experiences in powerful centers of spiritual energy in Auroville, Pondicherry, and Tiruvanamalai.

While most of the trip will be spent in Auroville and the surrounding villages, we will spend 4 days in Tiruvanamalai, a vibrant South Indian city nestled in the crook of the sacred Mount Arunachala.  
Sri Ramana Maharshi lived most of his life on this mountain, which has been revered for millennia as an embodiment of Lord Siva.The 8 mile circumambulation of Arunachala is a profound yogic practice, and meditation in the caves where Ramana Maharshi lived is a transformative experience.
